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For sale garage
For sale garage
Juan-les-Pins (06160) - ref. 435V47P
Garage Juan-les-Pins
Seafront, buying garage
46 000 €*
- 48 300 $
- 37 720 £
- Other currencies
In a secure and guarded luxury residence, facing the beach of Juan-Les-Pins, we offer you this beautiful closed garage of 13m2 on the 1st basement.
Electric gate, ramp access
- Year of construction : 2018
- Level : 1st basement
- Electric gate
- Sol peint
- Lighting
Legal information
- 46 000 €
Fees paid by the owner, no current procedure, information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on georisques.gouv.fr, click here to consulted our price list
Practical information
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